Membership types and fees (KD per month)
Type | Membership fees (KD) |
Privileges |
Patron | Nil | Any Company, Institution, Government Department, Corporation or individual interested in supporting the cause of IBAK and Badminton in general will be eligible to be elected as Patron Members. |
Premium | 10 | Member is allowed to participate in the practice sessions scheduled in a week (3 days per week). Free entry to all the socio-cultural events of the association. If the Premium member has one registered Associate member, he/she enjoys all the benefits as enjoyed by the premium member. The rest of the family members get free access to all events too. |
Associate | 5 | Immediate family member of the Premium member like wife, husband, son or daughter under 18 yrs of age. No individual can be directly an Associate member. |
Affiliate | 5 | Member is allowed to participate in the practice sessions ONLY once during
the week and on tournament days (Fridays). Member has to communicate the
choice of day in the week via email to Secretary – Courts & Coaching at
the beginning of each month. The Affiliate member has to pay entry fee for self and any accompanying person to any Socio-cultural event being organised by IBAK. |
Guest | 2 (per signing) |
Can belong to any nationality. Should be introduced by a
Premium member. Has access to practice facilities. Is not
allowed to attend any socio-cultural events of IBAK. Note: KWD 15 /month (only 3 days a week) |
Governance: Executive working committee elected by the general body of members. Advisory board nominated by members. The positions are held for a term of 3 years beginning April each year and renewal for a further 3 years by a simple 2/3rd majority of the General Body.
Payment in Advance |
Discounted Membership Fees
(Premium) |
Discounted Membership Fees
(Premium & Associate) |
Quarterly | KD 30 (No Discount) | KD 45 (No Discount) |
Half-Yearly | KD 50 instead of KD 60 (1 Month Discount) | KD 75 instead of KD 90 (1 Month Discount) |
Annual | KD 90 instead of KD 120 (3 Months Discount) | KD 135 instead of KD 180 (3 Months Discount) |
IBAK has a set a rules and guidelines to help ensure all players have an enjoyable evening ofbadminton. As IBAK has grown in size in recent years, it is becoming increasingly difficult tocommunicate with everyone the fundamentals on which the association is built. This brief guide aimsto remind all players of IBAK’s core values and the spirit with which we play badminton.Most of the guidelines are common courtesy, whilst others are specific to the badminton court. Byadhering to IBAK’s guidelines on etiquette, you will be helping us provide a safe, warm, and friendlyenvironment for playing badminton.
Courtesy | Court |
Line Calls
Enjoy Badminton
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I have read and agree to the rules and matters pertaining to IBAK COURT ETIQUETTE and agree to abide by the same.